They say, “It takes a village.” Raising kids is not easy. Add in the influence of social media, smart phones, and video games and you’ve got a recipe for disaster! But take heart, there is help out there. One of the biggest aspects of life missing in the world today is a deep sense of identity.
Historically, the people of God, the Jews, have had a deep sense of identity. They know who they are, and they know Who’s they are. It is time for the Church to capture that conviction and begin passing it along to the next generation.
The biggest help the Church can be to families right now is solidifying the identity of young people in Christ. Ephesians tells us we are adopted. We have been adopted into God’s family, so we are sons and daughters of God. We are His children. Ephesians tells us we are chosen, we are redeemed, and we are sealed. That is who we are! And the more we can help parents to instill this truth into their children, the stronger we will all be for it.
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